I can’t find Communications Credits! Now what? CSP customer
Before I tell you what to do, let’s see what Communications Credits are and where we can use them. To put it simply: Communications Credits are a convenient way to pay for Audio Conferencing, Toll-free (Calling Plan) minutes. Make sure you purchase Communications Credits to ensure your users are never left without being able to: Add…
Universal Print: What should I do after Preview?
Those who have ever worked with Azure Virtual Desktop (formerly Windows Virtual Desktop – WVD) are likely to have heard about Universal Print and even used it. Universal Print is a modern print solution that organizations can use to manage their print infrastructure through cloud services from Microsoft. It runs entirely on Microsoft Azure and…
Microsoft Teams: How to enable Shared channels?
Microsoft Teams Shared channel is one of my favorite features. It is still in preview, but in this article I will try to explain why you should use it, and how to set it up. First, why you would use Shared channel feature? You might want to use a shared channel if you want to…
How to get Microsoft OneDrive for Apple silicon Macs?
If you are like me and you use Microsoft OneDrive + your have a M1 silicon Mac – this is a good new for you. Microsoft OneDrive for M1 is out and There is already preview version, but in order to get it – you need to follow few steps. Right now, it is in…
How to deploy Microsoft Windows 365 Business – Cloud PC
If you are reading this blog, you probably already know about Microsoft’s Windows 365 Cloud PC solution. It is an easy way to set up a Cloud PC. There are two options available to you. One is Windows 365 Business and the other is Windows 365 Enterprise. The first option is simpler for deployment, and…
How to disable Automapping for a shared mailbox in Outlook for Office 365?
If you are like me, you probably use Microsoft Outlook every day, along with some shared mailboxes. This also applies to delegated access. I like being able to access my shared mailboxes, but when I add my main account, the shared mailboxes are also attached to my Outlook. While that is great in some cases,…
Learn how to upgrade Unifi controller? (Linux)
Today I would like to show you how you can upgrade your Unifi controller firmware. This applies to Linux – Ubuntu/Debian. IMPORTANT Before anything, backup your Unifi controller. First, we have to open web browser and navigate to https://ui.com/download/unifi , click on the Unifi tab, and scroll down – under Software you should be able…
How to fix spell check in Microsoft Teams?
Today, I want to share my experience with the spell check feature in Microsoft Teams. In Microsoft Teams, I like to enable Spell Check. Despite its great benefits, I noticed that it does not work for me. But why? Besides the English language, my computer is also installed with a second language. As far as…
Back up your data using Microsoft OneDrive now!
From my experience, the most valuable asset for anybody is their files and folders. In the past, I had many times where clients would reach out saying how their computer died and they can’t access their files and folders. The worst case is when the disk is completely dead, or the computer is stolen. In…
Start using Safe Links in Microsoft Teams – Now!
Many of you are probably worried about the security of your Microsoft Teams. One of the best ways that you can secure both yourself and your clients is by using Safe Links. Let’s say you are using Microsoft Teams, and someone sends you a link, and you open it without thinking? Do you ever wonder…